The industrial expertise of our partners enables us to actually act as restructuring advisors in selective industries, such as consumer goods manufacturers, packaging, plant engineering and PV, among others. We have the experience to advise on restructuring methodically and in terms of content. Below is an excerpt of transactions that the partners have accompanied and responsibly implemented in their professional careers:
- Restructuring advisor to a listed solar company; responsible for adapting the organisational structure, implementing efficient production processes and establishing business processes in large-scale plant construction.
- Reorganisation report for the advisory board of a textile retailer (turnover >EUR 500m) on the intrinsic value of the company; possible transaction structures in the event of a break-up as well as examination of the saleability of the portfolio properties via a sale-leaseback procedure to raise hidden reserves. mögliche Transaktionsstrukturen im Falle einer Zerschlagung sowie Prüfung der Veräußerbarkeit der Bestandsimmobilien über ein Sale-Lease Back Verfahren zu Hebung stiller Reserven.